Manually Install Drivers in Windows 7. If you’re using the free version of Driver Easy, it will automatically download driver updates for you, but you need to install them manually. In this article, we show you how. We’re going to assume you’ve downloaded the driver with Driver Easy. To manually install the downloaded driver in Windows 7, you can follow these steps: 1) In Driver Easy, click the downward triangle button next to Update for the driver you want to update, then select Open File Location . 2) If the file has a “ .exe ” extension, you can just double-click it , and follow the on-screen prompts. Otherwise, click the address bar to select the full address, then press Ctrl and C at the same time on your keyboard to copy the address to your clipboard. 3) On your keyboard, press the Windows logo key and R at the same time to invoke the Run box. 4) Type devmgmt.msc...
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