Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) List

Launched by the Prime Minister of India in June 2015, the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) is a government-funded scheme that aims at making housing affordable for the weaker sections of the country’s population. It involves the construction of houses in selected cities, using eco-friendly methods.

As per the Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme, beneficiaries under the PMAY scheme are eligible for an interest subsidy if they borrow a loan to purchase or construct a house.

How to check your name in Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana List 2020-21 without Registration Number?

To check name in PM Awas Yojana 2020 list without registration number follow the below steps

Step 1: Go to official Website:

Head to and click on the advanced search option.

PMAY List 2020 Portal

Step 2: Enter Required Details:

You’ll be redirected to a page that requires details like your name, BPL number, sanction order, or father’s or husband’s name.

PMAY List 2020-21 Portal

Step 3: Click On Search Options:

Enter the relevant details and click on the “search” option.

Step 4: Your Name Will Appear:

If your name is in the PMAY list, it should appear..

How to Check Your Name in the PMAY Rural List 2020-21 with a registration number

If your application is accepted for pradhan mantri awas yojana gramin list 2020-21 scheme, you would receive a registration number. Here are a few steps on how to check your name in PMAY Rural List with Registration Number:

Step 1:Visit official Website:

Visit through your mobile or desktop.

Step 2: Enter Registration Number:

Enter your registration number, and submit.

Step 3: Check Your Name:

 If your registration number is part of the PMAY database, your details will appear.

How to Check Your Name in PMAY Urban List 2020-21

To check your name in the PMAY Urban List 2020-21 follow the steps given below

Step 1: Go to PMAYMIS GOV IN -  Head to and click on the “select beneficiary” option.

Step 2: Choose Option - From the drop-down menu, choose the option to search by name.

Step 3: Enter First Characters - Enter the first three characters of your name and click on the “show” option.

Read more about the various ways to check your name in PMAY list.

Features of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana

  • The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana is implemented in three phases.

  • The scheme includes 4041 statutory towns, with 500 class I cities being given the first priority.

  • The rate of interest subsidy provided stands at 6.5% for 20 years on the housing loan availed by beneficiaries.

  • Senior citizens and differently abled beneficiaries will enjoy preferential allocation of ground floor houses wherever possible.

  • The credit-linked interest subsidy has been implemented in all the statutory towns right from the initial stages of the scheme.

Objectives of PMAY Scheme

The primary objective of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana is to provide affordable housing for the urban poor and economically weaker sections of the country by the year 2022, when India completes 75 years of independence.

Beneficiaries Under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana List

Other salient points with regard to the PMAY list of beneficiaries are explained here.

  • Beneficiaries may belong to Middle Income Groups (MIGs), Low Income Groups (LIGs), or Economically Weaker Sections (EWS).

  • Beneficiaries belonging to the EWS category receive complete assistance under the PMAY scheme, while people under the MIGs and LIGs are eligible for the benefits under the Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS).

PMAY Subsidy Offers and Benefits

The offers and benefits to different eligible groups of beneficiaries under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana are tabulated here.


Economically Weaker Section


Low Income Group


Middle Income Group – 1


Middle Income Group – 2


Annual household income range

0 to 3 lakh rupees

3 to 6 lakh rupees

6 to 12 lakh rupees

12 to 18 lakh rupees

Maximum home loan tenure

20 years

20 years

20 years

20 years

Maximum amount of loan qualifying for subsidy

Rs. 6 lakhs

Rs. 6 lakhs

Rs. 9 lakhs

Rs. 12 lakhs

Interest subsidy rate per annum





Maximum amount of subsidy offered

Rs. 2.67 lakhs

Rs. 2.67 lakhs

Rs. 2.35 lakhs

Rs. 2.30 lakhs

Maximum carpet area of dwelling unit

30 square meters

60 square meters

160 square meters

200 square meters


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